If you have a new bespoke or innovative project, a major residential site or a restructuring of commercial infrastructure, having the resource and knowledge to tackle every design challenge gives you the edge in delivery, ingenuity and accuracy.
Director lead, our co-ordinated team works in partnership with you to deliver your clients outstanding civil engineering solutions that are practical, efficient and commercially beneficial.
Going above and beyond all governing standards, our attention to detail in all our surveys, calculations, designs, detailing and specifications ensures minimal delays and added value for you and your clients.
Additionally we supply SUR1 and SUR2 calculations with supporting rainwater harvesting calculations, in accordance with the ‘Code for Sustainable Homes’ and percolation testing for soak away designs.
Adopted (S38, S278) & Private Highway Designs
Many new developments require the design of new road infrastructure which need to be designed in accordance with respective local authorities requirements in order for them to be adopted under Section 38 and Section 278 legal agreements.
Betts Associates, using latest design software, provide design, detail and technical submissions to statutory undertakers and liaison with relevant authorities to ensure compliance with design standards.
Private highway designs are also provided for smaller developments implementing NHBC and Building Control standards.
Adopted (S104) & Private Drainage Design
Betts Associates offer design, detail and technical submissions to statutory undertakers for Section 104 drainage adoption agreements including sustainable drainage and attenuation measures. All developments need to comply with current government guidance on the discharge and maintenance of foul and surface water drainage systems. Our broad range of experience and national project database has included agreements with United Utilities, Welsh Water, Severn Trent Water and Thames Water.
Private drainage designs, whilst not offered for adoption must also adhere to national standards, we have the ability to also design privately owned drainage systems and offer advice on sustainable and cost effective solutions for both national and private developers.
SUDS/Swales/Balancing Pond Design and Detail
There are many techniques for managing surface water run-off in a sustainable manner. Current guidance advices on hierarchical methods ranging from infiltration to direct discharge to watercourse or surface water sewers.
We are experienced in the design of private and adopted sustainable drainage measures and attenuation features, allowing our clients to benefit from cost effective design solutions whilst complying with national standards.
Earthworks Cut and Fill Design and Volumetrics
Proposed level design for new developments is key in achieving both an aesthetic and cost acceptable solution. Using latest 3d modelling software we provide isopachyte models reporting on excavation arisings and shortfalls. Working with our clients we assist on modifications to designs to ensure a balance on materials is achieved allowing for reduced costs. Provision of cross sections, calculations, setting out and detailed pans allow for clear, concise, construction on site.
Technical Due Diligence Reports for Prospective Developments
Technical expertise and business acumen enabling us to deliver strategic, technical and engineering solutions geared towards bringing commercial benefit to you and your projects
We eliminate risk, ensuring peace of mind with your investment. Our multi-disciplined team appreciates not only the technical and engineering constraints and risks, but also the commercial and legal implications.
Your Peace of Mind
As a property developer making a significant investment in land, you want reassurance the site is risk free. You don’t want repercussions further down the line which result in unforeseen costs and worst still, being told the land is unsuitable for development.
We eliminate risk for you, ensuring you have peace of mind with your investment. We have a multi-disciplined team working for you, each with developer back grounds, meaning we appreciate not only the technical and engineering constraints and risks, but also the commercial and legal implications.
Our technical expertise and business acumen enable us to deliver strategic, technical and engineering solutions geared towards bringing commercial benefit to you. These unique qualities provide you with the reassurance you need, when arriving at your decision.
Technical Due Diligence services available to you include:
To get peace of mind with your land opportunity, contact a member of our team by emailing admin@betts-associates.co.uk or calling 01244 288 178.
Public Realm/External Works Design
Working with our clients we provide holistic reviews of scheme designs, from reviewing site constraints to boundary interfaces with adjoining land. Continued dialogue with clients and representatives allows for the provision of design levels for private areas/public realm to suit mandatory Part M access requirements of Building Regulations, whilst reducing abnormal retaining wall design. Each scheme is reviewed in detail with our clients in regular meetings to ensure aspirations on both visual and cost are met.
Infiltration Testing
Due to current Lead Local Flood Authority (LLFA) guidance on achieving sustainable techniques for the disposal of surface water, we arrange, monitor and report on infiltration tests. Tests are undertaken in accordance with latest BRE365 requirements.
Positive results allow for the design of infiltration basins, individual soakaways and permeable surfacing, all providing a sustainable means of dealing with surface water run-off.
Why not call us today and find out how we can make a difference to your project?
Mel Frimston
6-8 Old Marsh Farm Barns
Welsh Road, Sealand, Flintshire
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